Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Re:WritE is open for business!

Friends and lovers,

The books are in and we at the Re:WritE offices are pulling out our cash boxes, shipping tape and crayons (for autographing, of course!), ready to take your orders.

Pre-order your copy today, and you'll be the first to receive it once it's released!

The Re:WritE Review
Issue 1: The Early Years
Release: May 7, 2009
$15.00 (+$3.00 shipping)

Click here to see some sample pages.
(Don't order the book from Lulu! Use our link. Or else.)

As someone who helped put this book together, I happen to think it's worth every penny. But as you'll notice, it is cheaper at our launch party:

The Re:WritE Review Launch Party
Thursday, May 7, 2009, 7pm
reBar: 147 Front St, Brooklyn (one stop in on the F train)
Admission: Free! (but buy something at the bar!)
Music by Beau Jennings.
Readings by:
Benjamin Lawrence Dolson
Joel Ealy
Lindsey Michael Miller
Aurora Bell
Kristin Froberg
Books on sale for $10.

Hope to see you there!

Email us at with your questions, or any special shipping instructions or autograph requests.